Andriy Beshley, Dmytro Afanasiev


In this paper we investigate a method of approximating the interior Dirichlet problem for the generalized Laplace equation into the boundary value problem for simpler elliptic equations, proposed by Rangogni and Occhi in [10], together with the boundary integral equations approach. Based on some assumptions the considered problem can be substituted by the Dirichlet problem for the Laplace, Klein-Gordon or Helmholtz equations. Afterward, having fundamental solutions for each of these equations, we use the boundary integral equations method representing the solution as a single- or double-layer potential in conjunction with the quadrature method to obtain a fully discrete system of linear equations with unknown approximate values of the density. Сalculating the approximate solution of the problem for a constant-coefficient equation, the approximate solution for the generalized Laplace equation is obtained as well. Finally, several numerical examples with different discretization parameters are provided in order to show the effectiveness of this approach, especially in the case of exact reduction to a constant-coefficient equation.

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