Природа етнічних стереотипів



Background. The relevance of research studies of ethnic stereotypes is conditioned by many factors. First of all, with its practical direction, designed to ascertain how stereotypical perceptions of representatives of different nations can provoke xenophobia, tension or aggression in society in order to prevent their manifestations; the variability of the phenomenon, because along with the changes in society, stereotypes and their verbal manifestations change as well: the old ones disappear, and their place is occupied by new ones which, of course, need to be analyzed.

Purpose. The purpose of our investigation is to consider the essence of the concept of “ethnic stereotype”; find out the causes of appearance, the source of formation, outline the range of functions that perform ethnic stereotypes; on the basis of a sociolinguistic questionnaire, to present and comprehensively characterize the material about the autosterotype of a Ukrainian.

Results. National (ethnic) stereotype is a complex of generalized and emotional representations of a nation or ethnic group, its customs, culture, traditions, intellectual and aesthetic level, as well as a role in the history of mankind. According to our observations, national stereotypes cover a wide range of functions: communicative, factual, generalizational, emotional-estimating, predictive, cognitive, adaptive, regulatory, identification, integrative, cumulative, ideological, propaganda-manipulative, and mythological.

On the material of the questionnaire among the academic youth, an autoserotype (self-image) of Ukrainian was considered.

Summarizing the survey data, we can say that we are very critical of ourselves, are not afraid to talk about our weaknesses and disadvantages as a nation (for example, corruption, indifference, drunkenness). At the same time, we note positive moments. Some titles can be changed situationally by a connotation (volunteer, nationalist).

Key words: ethnical stereotype, autostereotype, functions of stereotypes, sociolinguistic questionnaire.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30970/ls.9.2585


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