Явище інтерференції як міждисциплінарна проблема: з досвіду вивчення української мови в Кореї

Ірина ЗБИР


Background. The research of interference phenomena in language contacts is an actual task of modern sociolinguistics, psychology, education, linguistics and language teaching methodology. This phenomenon became the object of research in the 60s and 70s of the twentieth century and still attracts the attention of scholars (U. Weinreich, E. Haugen, E. Vereshchagin, V. Kostomarov, Yu. Zhluktenko, etc.), but the issue of interference in the speech of Korean students in the process of learning foreign languages is under development (Ul Chol Kim, Sang Chin Choi, Choi Jin Hwan (English language), N. Krashevskaya, N. Vinogradova (Russian language), and others), which determines the relevance of our work.

Purpose. The article aims to study the phenomenon of language interference in the speech of Korean students.

The phenomenon of interference in the speech of Korean students as an interdisciplinary problem requires consideration not only from the standpoint of linguistics, but also from the point of view of psychology, sociolinguistics and teaching methods of foreign languages, which would describe this phenomenon comprehensively. On the basis of available research, as well as own observations one can identify the main causes of interference phenomena:

1. linguistic (influence of the mother tongue, relationship of Ukrainian and Russian languages);

2. psychological (individual language skills, psychological and emotional state of the student);

3. sociolinguistic (bilingual environment, language policy of Ukraine);

4. methodological (features of the educational system in Korea, influence of the Confucian tradition), etc.

Results. The article identifies and examines 4 groups of factors that determine the origin of interference and affect the degree of its manifestation in the speech of Korean students. Particular attention is paid to the manifestation of linguistic interference on phonetic, grammatical and lexical levels, as well as extra linguistic factors that should not be neglected when it comes to teaching Korean students. Particularly, this is a major influence of the Confucian tradition, which became for Koreans not only religion, culture, but also the philosophy of being, which manifests itself in all spheres of life; individual abilities and motivation, which guides students when choosing a specialty; as well as the language policy of Ukraine and the bilingual environment in which Korean students are enrolled while studying at Ukrainian universities.

Key words: interference, Korean students, Ukrainian as a foreign language, Russian language, mistakes.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30970/ls.9.2583


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