Основні напрями дослідження молодіжного мовлення в умовах білінгвізму (на матеріалі записів спонтанного мовлення та інтерв’ю)

Іванна ЦАР


Background. The problem of youth language is one of the topical matters in today’s world sociolinguistics because young people play a particular role in most important social processes in the world. Their language reflects the current state of language situation in a particular society and the state of this society language structure as a whole. In addition, it is an indicator of the future language situation in the country.

Purpose. The purpose of the paper is the analysis of the main trends of youth language researches in Ukraine (on the basis of the spoken language records and interviews) taking into account the conditions of the bilingual environment.

Results. The paper reveals that foreign linguists study the language of youth, mostly in a multilingual context. Sociolinguists are also interested in the problems of language changes due to the aging of people. Problems of youth language identity, language education and language ideology are the key tasks of modern scientific studies in foreign linguistics. Today they are extremely needed for Ukrainian linguistics and important for national security. Because of bilingualism it is important to pay attention to the phenomena of language mixing, surzhyk, code-switching, slang. The study of linguistic environments where young people are constantly being is relevant. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the regional aspect, because in different regions of Ukraine there is a different language situation.

Key words: language of youth, bilingualism, language behavior, linguistic environment, codeswitching, slang, surzhyk.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30970/ls.9.2570


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