Н. М. Гордієнко


The paper presents an investigation into social mobility of boarding school graduates,
as one of the issues concerning forming life paths of this population section, on the basis of
fi ndings of social studies. Social mobility is defi ned as relocation of a person or a group in
social space that is accompanied with status change within the general social dynamics process.
Separate types of social mobility are revealed (economical, professional, institutional,
civilisation-related, modernisation-related), which characterize its dynamics.
A sociological survey evidences that education level of boarding school graduates
tends to be lower than that of town population. A high level of subjective social mobility is
observed from parents wishing to give their children a better education and boarding school
graduates wishing to continue studies and reach a higher social level. Though not all parents
of boarding schoolchildren received a higher education (55 %), 90 % of them advice their children to pursue their university studies and try to further the intent. Only 6 % of parents
consider specialized secondary education for their children, which is actually received by
47 % of respondents. The discrepancy is explained by the actual lack of resources by parents
and children needed for university studies. Empirical research evidences a low intergenerational
mobility of boarding school graduates against a high subjective mobility.
Keywords: social mobility, intergenerational mobility, subjective mobility, boarding
school graduates.


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