Соціальні страхи та тривожність як суб’єктивні індикатори безпеки життєдіяльності: аналіз емпіричних даних

Ljudmyla Kalashnikova


The article presents the results of domestic empirical sociological studies on subjective assessment of the level of life safety, which is based on the life experience of individual individuals, their world view, the system of value orientations, the level of situational anxiety, awareness of their own insecurity. In contrast to objective indicators based on statistics based on formal criteria, this kind of social information allows for the measurement and comparative analysis of basic security characteristics, real hazards and threats. One such subjective indicator is social fears and anxiety. Being in a state of anxiety and fear significantly reduces the adequacy of the assessment of the situation, affects the choice of strategy of behavior, leads to mass catastrophe. In sociology there are a number of approaches within which the study of fears and anxiety of the population is carried out (theory of catastrophic consciousness V. Khepentoh, V. Shubkin, V. Yadov; sociology of risk V. Zubkov; security sociology V. Kuznetsov; theory of social madness E. Golovacha, N. Panina). The data of opinion polls conducted by the Institute of Sociology of NANU for the period 1992-2018 (a selective collection of 1,800 respondents over 18 years of age, until 2014 throughout Ukraine, since 2015 with the exception of the AR Crimea and the occupied territories of Donetsk and Lugansk regions) on the content of fears and the level of anxiety of Ukrainians were analyzed; The Center «Social Monitoring» together with the Ukrainian Institute of Research named after A.Jarenko, the campaign «Info Sapiens», the sociological group «Rating» in the period 2018-2019 (a selective collection of 10,000 people from 18 years and over, in the territory of all regions of Ukraine with the exception of the AR Crimea and the occupied territories) in order to study the mood and assess threats; the sociological group Rating in the period 2018-2019 (a selective collection of 2,500 respondents over 18 years of age throughout Ukraine with the exception of the AR Crimea and the occupied territories) to rank feelings that reflect the mood of Ukrainians. The systematization of sociological information has led to the conclusion that both national and regional factors of population safety are identified, which are described by the specifics of the fears available to the population. The first includes price increases, unemployment, impoverished, the second – an attack by an external enemy, the deployment of inter-ethnic and interreligious conflicts, mass street riots. In conditions of social survival, the existing feeling of fear affects the organization of life in the mode of waiting for new threats, destroys orientations, attitudes, norms, reduction of life plans.

Повний текст:



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м. Львів, вул. Університетська 1, ауд. 319
