Нова кар’єра: індивідуальні чинники подолання прекаризації.

Oleh Demkiv, Vitalii Biskup


The problems of the position of workers in the system of modern labor relations are the subject of scientific discussions with the use of new explanatory models. The paper presents theoretical studies on the situation of workers in the modern labor market. It is shown that a significant number of economically active population is in a threatening position, the essence of which is the fragmentary involvement in the performance of labor tasks, the lack of the opportunity to design their career path in the long term. It was found out that the instability of labor relations in modern science is described in terms of prekariat, that is, lack of reliable professional self-identification, status dissonance, insecurity of the workplace, restriction of rights and guarantees on the part of the state and employers. A distinctive feature of modernity is the phenomenon of flexible capitalism, in which workers, companies and firms have to quickly take into account current trends in economic life, promptly change tactics and strategy of behavior in a competitive environment. The results of a sociological study with the participation of graduates of higher educational institutions are presented, which testify to their precarious position in the labor market. Interviewed graduates critically evaluate the quality of theoretical and practical training in their higher education institution, are uncertain about the prospects for employment. Graduates are faced with problems of employment, uncertainty when hiring. Approaches to building a career path based on the transprofessionalization of activities, the ability to think creatively and non-standard, find intersection points in their own and related specialties, and build communication in teamwork. It is found out that a modern specialist realizes his career in portfolio type, projects professional and career lines on the basis of diversification of his own skills, knowledge, accumulated work experience, has several alternative behaviors depending on the changing conditions of the economic situation.

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м. Львів, вул. Університетська 1, ауд. 319
