On the monoid of monotone injective partial selfmaps of 2 with cofinite domains and images, II

Oleg Gutik, Inna Pozdniakova


Let 2 be the set 2 with the partial order defined as the product of usual order on the set of positive integers . We study the semigroup PO2 of monotone injective partial selfmaps of 2 having cofinite domain and image. We describe the natural partial order on the semigroup PO2 and show that it coincides with the natural partial order which is induced from symmetric inverse monoid I× over the set × onto the semigroup PO2. We proved that the semigroup PO2 is isomorphic to the semidirect product PO+2×2 of the monoid PO+2 of orientation-preserving monotone injective partial selfmaps of 2 with cofinite domains and images by the cyclic group 2 of the order two. Also we describe the congruence σ on the semigroup PO2 which is generated by the natural order on the semigroup PO2: ασβ if and only if α and β are comparable in PO2,. We prove that the quotient semigroup PO2/σ is isomorphic to the free commutative monoid AMω over an infinite countable set and show that the quotient semigroup PO2/σ is isomorphic to the semidirect product of the free commutative monoid AMω by the group 2.

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