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The basic scientific approaches concerning the essence of the hospitality industry, the moral-household and commercial concept in hospitality among Ukrainian and foreign scientists are analyzed. The main reasons for the commercialization of hospitality, the connection of the moral and ethical and commercial components of the hospitality process are revealed. The semantics of the concept of "commercial hospitality" is specified, the main features of its distinction from moral and domestic hospitality are described. The unified customer service cycle in hotels is described as a consequence of the commercialization and unification of hotel services. The main components of the model of commercial hospitality are outlined and characterized. The model of business hospitality in hotels should be based on the following key elements: customer segments, supply value, communication, distribution and sales channels, customer relationships, revenue streams, key resources, key activities, key partners, cost structure, ways to save the model.

The commercialization of hospitality, the implementation of the principles of business activity in hotel management is reflected in achieving the best service results and in increasing profitability. Commercialization of this sphere involves the formation of institutional level, formed from managers who analyze and use the results of the hotel company to improve processes, adapt the enterprise to the market demand and competitors.

A well-designed model of the commercial concept contributes to effective marketing management, the construction of an adapted to the demand of the functional structure of the organization, the establishment of effective cooperation with suppliers of products and service providers, for corporate forms of organization to adapt not only to the market, as well as natural and socio-cultural geospatial features. Models of the commercial concept of hospitality in a broad context adapted to the market and expressed in high socioeconomic efficiency can be considered as innovative business models.

 Key words: hospitality, hospitality industry, commercial hospitality, morale-home hospitality, model of hospitality.

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