Anna Dąbrowska


The effects of global consumerism highlight the need to intensify efforts aimed at protecting our natural environment, shaping customers’ attitudes and increasing consumer awareness in many different countries, in order to promote the idea of sustainable development. The objective of the article is to present the behaviour of Polish consumers and their competence with regard to supporting sustainable development. The authors have undertaken an attempt to identify consumer behaviour strategies connected with purchasing, using and disposing of products. The study is based on the analysis of selected findings of omnibus surveys conducted on a representative sample of 1000 Polish people and on the results of CATI research carried out among 1000 consumers, who were perceived as the most competent ones, representing the group. The studies were conducted in 2013 for the needs of a project funded by the National Science Centre (NCN) (no. 2011/03/B/HS4/04417). The analyses have been supplemented with the data presented by the European Commission and the United Nations. In the article the authors have put forward the thesis about a relatively low level of competence demonstrated by Polish consumers, which is reflected in consumer behaviour, which is not always aligned with the aims of sustainable development.

Key words: consumer behaviour, sustainable development, awareness

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30970/vir.2016.39.0.423


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