Maryana Fedun


 Проаналізовано застосування термінів, які позначають приведення у відповідність законодавства України до норм права ЄС. З’ясовано послідовність адаптації законодавства у сфері поводження з відходами та надано деякі пропозиції щодо удосконалення законодавства України у сфері поводження з відходами.

Ключові слова: адаптація, відходи, Європейський Союз, поводження з відходами.

The approximation of Ukrainian legislation to the EU legislation means adoption and implementation of laws and legal acts of Ukraine, elaborated on the basis of the European Union standards, and making appropriate amendments to existing legal acts of Ukraine. Issues concerning the correctness of this process that goes on in Ukraine are considered among scientists, lawyers in a variety of modes. This article examines the usage of the relevant terminology denoting aligning legislation of Ukraine to EU law with the particular attention to the field of the waste management. It provides the necessary links between the adoption of the EU-stanadard approximated legislation on the waste management for the Ukrainian realities and provides some suggestions for the improvement of the relevant legislative basis already existing in Ukraine in the field of waste management. F.e. it is stated that in order to adapt the Ukrainian waste law regulations to the provisions of the Directive 2008/98 / EC the significant changes need to be introduced. This applies especially to the use of terms and concepts, which are lacking the Ukrainian legislative acts on the waste and waste managment. In particular, there Ukrainian legidslation lacks some definition, such as «reuse», «preparation for reuse», «bio-waste», «waste oil», «separate collection», «education for prevention», and other key concepts which are embedded into the European legal standards . It is necessary to amend and change the terminology defined in the Ukrainian legislative acts, including issues relating to certain types of operations and waste handling, and the criteria for the definition of hazardous wastes and their classification. It is important to consolidate the rules which would regulate the issues connected with reduction of waste, including those created after processing products.

Generally we can conclude that in Ukraine certain actions are already regulated and sometimes the Ukrainian regulation on the waste management is EU-conform, however this process is, in our opinion, very slow.

It needs also to be stressed that the EU law on waste management changes periodically and improves. As examples are to be mentioned the Proposal for the Directive 2014/0201, which replaces Directive 2008/98/EC on waste and Directive 1999/31/ EC on the landfill of waste, as well as four other directives. These constant changes and improvements on the EU level can lead to slowing-down the adaptation process and create problems in the implementation certain provisions of EU Directives in Ukraine.

Thus, the policy of Ukraine concerning approximation of its legislation on waste and waste management has to forme a integral part of legal reforms and with an aim to provide mandatory consideration of the EU legal standards in this area, creating the necessary conditions for institutional, financial, scientific and educational process of the adaptation, training of qualified specialists in the area of the EU Environmental law issues.

Key words: adaptation, waste, the EU waste management.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30970/vir.2015.36-2.0.372


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