Sergey Belay, Igor Yevtushenko


The analysis of the crisis of a social nature, which indicated that the most severe, widespread and dangerous social crisis are those generated by low living standards and unsolved social problems; they are the basis of serious social conflicts that arise between citizens and authorities, therefore the most appropriate and relevant is the study of the crisis is socio-economic nature and development of mechanisms of state regulation of these phenomena. Calculations to determine the socio-economic situation in the regions of Ukraine during 2011–2013 and calculation of threats socioeconomic second – fourth quarter of 2014 and first quarter of 2015 according to the first quarter of 2014 revealed the preconditions for social conflict escalation economic grounds. Determined that the reasons for ethnic proximity eastern region of Ukraine with the «aggressor country», information-psychological influence was dominant in this region of the state, which was the reason for maintaining the separatist movement at the beginning of the armed conflict. It is noted that at present time the public international law and most national constitutions define that in terms of armed conflict public authorities may restrict some liberties in order to restore order and greater use of the most fundamental human rights by introducing emergency legal and administrative regimes. The introduction of emergency powers is governed by three major international and regional human rights treaties, the requirement to comply are clearly spelled out in the constitutions of most countries. Noted that Ukraine must adhere to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the European Convention on Human Rights. In order not to breach these agreements during the settlement of the armed conflict must enter emergency legal and administrative regimes.

Key words: armed conflict; crisis of socio-economic nature; State of Emergency; martial law; regulatory and legal principles.

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