Womens in the traditional Chinese clerk family of the Song dynasty era (960–1279):
gender relations and legal status

Serhii Kozlovskyi


Based on the analysis of written sources – narrative and legislative acts of the Song dynasty era analyses the legal status and gender relationship in a traditional family of Chinese clerk family. Highlights the features of the relations between a man and a woman through the prism of gender stereotypes based on the collation of the information from the sources of the legal narrative and characters. The Chinese medieval family, as the main cell of the contemporary society, was part of the great patriarchal family / clan (tsuntsu) – a group of related families with a common ancestor in the masculine line, a certain economic unity and a unique surname. In the period under review, women, along with men, owned and enjoyed the right to divorce and the right to conclude a second marriage, as opposed to existing perceptions of legislative prohibitions and the existence of severe public condemnation.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30970/his.2019.0.9875


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