They were killed on the spot: the destruction of Jews during the nazi
occupation in the territory of the Lviv region

Volodymyr Zilinskyi


The destruction of the local Jewish population during the Nazi occupation was carried out mainly in two ways: by shooting (especially from June 1941 to November 1943) and by the forced deportation to the Belżec death camp (from March 1942 to December 1942). It should be noted that shooting was a permanent phenomenon throughout the whole period of the Nazi occupation. But, before the beginning of the activity of the Belżec death camp and after the end of its work, shooting was the main way to destroy the Jews who lived in what is now Lviv region. There were also another kinds of executions such as hanging and burning alive, but they happened rather sporadically and were exceptional. Also, many Jews died in the result of the “Extermination through labor” (Vernictung durch Arbeit in German). Inhuman conditions of existence in the forced labor camps caused the death of many people.

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