L. V. Gorobets, O. M. Kovalchuk, Yu. L. Pshenichny



Results of the study of bird and fish remains which were found during the excavations of 16th century layers in Dubno castle (Rivne region, Ukraine) are presented in this paper. These remains are belonging to four fish species (perch, pike, roach, indeterminate carp fish) and eight bird taxa (mallard, northern shoveler, capercaillie, black grouse, partridge, pigeon (possibly stock dove), chicken, goose (posible domestic)). The role of birds in life of people has changed at that time as it was shown after the comparison of obtained data with those from earlier archaeological sites. A poultry proportion was growing. Unlike inhabitants of the Middle Ages who hunted birds mainly during the migration season, people from Dubno castle could do it during nesting season. Analysis of remains of fish and waterfowl from Dubno castle indicates that ponds with large open stretches as well as overgrown beaches, were here in the 16th century. It is established that people have kept poultry in Dubno castle at that time. Domestic chickens have had smaller size as compared to extant outbreed chickens and were close to those in medie­val chickens.


fishery, poultry, early modern period, Constantine Ostrogski

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