Hybrid delineation of landforms: Case of Bystrytsia-Pidbuzka drainage basin

Ivan Kruhlov, Anatoliy Smaliychuk, Yurii Svatko


Landforms, together with geological substrate and geomorphic processes, are essential for delineation of geoecosystems, which are indispensable for environmental management at landscape and regional levels. Geomorphometry is a geographic information system technology, which affords quantitative land-surface analysis and landform delineation using digital elevation models (DEM). Application of geomorphometry has been fostered by the emergence of free global high-resolution DEMs. However, automated geomorphometric extraction of landforms for flat areas, like wide river valleys, may be problematic owing to insufficient accuracy of the DEM.

We selected the Bystrytsia-Pidbuzka drainage basin of 500 km², which has a transitional location between low flysch External Carpathian Mountains and wavy denudation-alluvial plains of the Fore-Carpathian Upland in Lviv Oblast (Ukraine), to test a hybrid methodology of landform delineation – manual and automated geomorphometric. We considered regional landforms as orotectonic units (morphostructures), which are used to characterize ecoregions, and morpholithotopes as the smallest local landforms – mesorelief elements together with surface deposits and current geomorphic processes. FABDEM V1-2 with a resolution of 30*30 m was used as a primary geodataset of elevation data. Ecoregions and morpholithotopes of wide flat valley bottoms were delineated via manual interpretation of the DEM and ancillary data, while the morpholithotopes of the hilly and mountainous interfluves were delineated automatedly using three topographic variables: topographic position index, slope, and flow accumulation.

Within the study area, we singled-out six microecoregions and four mesoecoregions: Upper Dnister Depression, Upper Dnister Upland, Marginal Beskydy, and Dnister Beskydy. There are 21 classes of morpholithotopes distinguished belonging to flat valley bottoms with alluvial and lacustrine deposits, narrow valleys and big gullies, as well as lower concave and upper convex slopes formed by colluvial and eluvial-colluvial deposits respectively, divided into four inclination categories, and two lithological groups. Each morpholithotope class is attributed with a drainage status and probable current geomorphic processes. The obtained dataset is oriented on further ecological application.

Key words: morpholithotope; ecoregion; geomorphometry; FABDEM; the Carpathian Mountains; the Fore-Carpathian Upland.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30970/gpc.2024.2.4563


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