Soil information system of the Ukrainian Carpathians
Abstract. The theoretical aspects and practical approaches to the creation of a soil information system on the example of the Ukrainian Carpathians, which is based on the use of vectorised large-scale soil mapping materials and GIS tools, are considered. The study is devoted to the development of a soil information system for the Ukrainian Carpathians, which integrates vectorised large-scale soil maps and GIS technologies to ensure efficient collection, storage and monitoring of soil data. The scientific novelty of the work is the creation of a multi-level information platform that combines data of different granularity and allows monitoring of soil transects, profiles, and genetic horizons, as well as determining spatial relationships between point and polygonal objects. Particular attention was paid to collecting cartographic materials reflecting the soil cover of the Ukrainian Carpathians and formalising the data for further integration into the soil information system. The system supports analytical tools that allow calculating various geometric, physical and chemical parameters of soil objects. The use of modern GIS tools enables accurate monitoring and forecasting of changes in soil cover under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors, making it an important tool for the rational management of soil resources in the Carpathians. The developed system allows storing and updating information, which ensures its adaptability to changes in data analysis and processing methods. This not only increases the efficiency of monitoring, but also ensures the flexibility of the system for the specific needs of users. The practical significance lies in the possibility of using this system for soil protection, sustainable land management, and environmental safety. Expansion of this system to the entire territory of Ukraine will provide additional opportunities for effective monitoring and forecasting of changes in soil cover on a national scale, contributing to sustainable development and environmental protection.
Key words: soil information systems; Ukrainian Carpathians; remote sensing; soil database.
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