Guidelines for authors

Guidelines PDF (104 KB) | Example MSWord (504 KB)

The journal will cover different aspects (synthesis, phase diagrams, crystal structures, physical properties, etc.) of intermetallic and related compounds, including hydrides, inorganics, organometallics, etc. Experimental and theoretical studies are welcome.

Only original works, which have not been published or accepted for publication elsewhere, in English or in any other language, will be accepted. All coauthors must have agreed on the publication.

English or Ukrainian.

Submission of manuscripts
An electronic version in the form of one or several Microsoft Word files should be submitted, for example as attachment to an e-mail. A printed out version in perfect agreement with the electronic version should be provided in addition.

Text formatting
Text should be typed with font Times New Roman 10 pt. The pages should be numbered and the text arranged in paragraphs. Use decimal points (not commas). Symbols for physical properties should be written in italics. Follow IUPAC recommendations for the nomenclature of chemical compounds and IUCr recommendations for the presentation of crystallographic data. Number tables and figures in accordance with their sequence in the text, using Arabic numbers.

Number the references in the order they appear in the text. Journal names should be abbreviated according to CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service). In the text the reference number should be inserted into square brackets.

Submit figures also in separate files (tif, wmf, eps), using logical names. Provide images in a size near the desired size of the printed version. Printable width for one column is 7.75 cm, for two columns 16.5 cm, maximum page length is 24 cm. Color figures are welcome (but will be printed black and white in the hardcopy). Select a figure to be included in the on-line abstract.

Supporting information
Supplementary information such as cif files may be provided with the manuscript and will be stored on the website of the journal.

Organization of the manuscript
A typical manuscript will contain the following parts:
    Title page, including the following items
        Name of the authors and their affiliations with complete postal addresses
        Telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address of the corresponding author
    Abstract (up to 300 words)
    Keywords (3-5)
    Main text, generally subdivided into
    Figures and figure captions
    Figure and figure caption for on-line abstract

Publication is free of charge. World wide free access to the on-line version of the journal.

Short check list
Please ensure the following items are present:
    corresponding author, with telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address
    3-5 keywords
    page numbers
    figure captions
    all separate artwork files
Are all references, figures and tables correctly mentioned in the text?
Is the format of the reference list correct?
Has the paper been spell-checked?
Do the crystallographic data in the paper correspond to the accompanying cif file?