EuAl2Ge, its synthesis and property characterizations


Chem. Met. Alloys 1 (2008) 348-351


Jing-Tai ZHAO, Xin-Xin YANG, Hao-Hong CHEN, Walter SCHNELLE, Yuri GRIN


EuAl2Ge, orthorhombic system, space group Pnma (No. 62), unit cell parameters: a = 7.294(2) Å, b = 4.306(1) Å, c = 11.237(4) Å, V = 352.9(3) Å3, Mr = 1114.04, Dx = 5.2425(1) g cm-3, F(000) = 484, Z = 4, μ = 1262.5 cm-1 (Cu Ka1, 1.54056 Å), ab initio structure model with full profile refinement from a powder pattern (211 reflections and 17300 profile points) for 14 free parameters resulted in RI = 0.071, Rp = 0.152 and RDBWS = 0.116 with goodness of fit = 0.580. The structure is related to the b-YbAgGa2, ScRhSi2 and YZn3 types and can be considered as an intergrowth of BaAl4- and distorted CaF2-type columns. The magnetic susceptibility is characteristic of pure Eu2+ with μeff = 8.07 μB and antiferromagnetic ordering at ca. 25 K.


Al-Ge network in the EuAl2Ge structure.



EuAl2Ge / Synthesis / Crystal structure / Rare earth / Powder diffraction