On the binary phases ~YNi4 and Y2Ni7


Chem. Met. Alloys 11 (2018) 92-99



Volodymyr BABIZHETSKYY, Oksana MYAKUSH, Volodymyr LEVYTSKYI, Bogdan KOTUR, Viola DUPPEL, Lorentz KIENLE


Y–Ni alloys in the composition range 79-81 at.% Ni, annealed at 600°C and 800°C, were investigated by complementary analytical techniques providing chemical and structural information. In contradiction to former reports, the ~YNi4 phase was not observed at these temperatures. The samples annealed at 600°C consisted of two phases: the rhombohedral HT β‑Y2Ni7 phase (structure type β‑Gd2Co7, space group R-3m) and YNi5 (structure type CaCu5, space group P6/mmm). At 800°C the hexagonal LT form α‑Y2Ni7 (structure type Ce2Ni7 type, space group P63/mmc) was found to coexist with HT β-Y2Ni7. The transformation β‑Y2Ni7 ↔ α‑Y2Ni7 is very sluggish and increasing the annealing time to five months increased the amount of α-Y2Ni7 only up to ~23%. The transformation β‑Y2Ni7 ↔ α‑Y2Ni7 occurs at T > 800°C, but a more precise determination was not possible. The ~YNi4 phase exists in a very narrow temperature range: it forms by the peritectic reaction YNi5 + L  ~YNi4 at 1338±2°C and decomposes by the metatectic reaction ~YNi4  L + YNi5 at 1328±2°C. The section YNi5–Y2Ni7 of the phase diagram of the binary Y−Ni system was revised consequently.


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PED [100] zone axis patterns recorded on single crystalline areas of Y2Ni7 in the Y20Ni80 sample annealed at 600°C and HRTEM micrograph with inserted multislice contrast simulations.



Intermetallics / Phase diagram / Crystal structure / X-ray diffraction