Crystal structure refinements and magnetic behavior of U6Ni, UNi5, UNi2 and the substitution derivative UNi1.7Si0.3


Chem. Met. Alloys 1 (2008) 54-57




The crystal structures of the binaries U6Ni, UNi2 and UNi5 have been refined for the first time from single crystal data. U6Ni crystallizes in the tetragonal system, U6Mn type, s.g. I4/mcm, with lattice parameters a = 10.3835(8) Å, c = 5.1565(4) Å. The uranium atoms occupy 8h (U1) and 16k (U2) Wyckoff positions, and the Ni atoms a 4a position. UNi5 crystallizes in the cubic AuBe5 type, s.g. F-43m, with a = 6.7958(6) Å and the following atom site occupations: U in 4a, Ni1 in 16e and Ni2 in 4c. UNi2 crystallizes in the hexagonal MgZn2 type, s.g. P63/mmc, with a = 4.9701(4) Å, c = 8.2527(8) Å. Uranium occupies a 4f position and the nickel atoms are in 2a (Ni1) and 6h (Ni2) positions. The shortest interatomic U-U distances are 2.619(2) Å in U6Ni, 3.026(1) Å in UNi2, and 4.805(1) Å in UNi5. UNi2 shows itinerant ferromagnetism below 25 K, which vanishes with substitution of silicon for nickel.


Thermal variation of the magnetization and of the reverse susceptibility under 5 kGauss for UNi2.



Uranium compounds / Intermetallics / Crystal structure / Magnetic properties