Electronic structure and magnetic properties of the Ce2MnGe6 compound


Chem. Met. Alloys 1 (2008) 88-91





Magnetization, magnetic susceptibility and X-ray photoemission measurements were performed on a Ce2MnGe6 polycrystalline sample. This compound crystallizes in an orthorhombic Ce2CuGe6-type structure (space group Amm2). The Ce atoms occupy two nonequivalent sites, while the Mn atoms only one site. The magnetic data indicate that the compound is a ferrimagnet with the Curie temperature TC = 150 K. The magnetic moment determined from the magnetization curve measured at 2 K increases from 1.9 μB for H ≈ 0 to 2.5 μB for H = 50 kOe. Above TC the reciprocal magnetic susceptibility fulfills the Curie-Weiss law with the effective magnetic moment equal 5.3 μB. The valence band gives a small peak at 0.3 eV below the Fermi level and a broad one with the maximum at 2.1 eV, corresponding to the Mn 3d states. The structure of the Ce 3d5/2 and Ce 3d3/2 XPS spectra has been interpreted in terms of the Gunnarsson-Schönhammer theory. Two final-state contributions of f1 and f2, exhibiting a spin-orbit splitting of ΔSO = 18.7 eV, were clearly observed. From the intensity ratio r = I(f2)/[I(f1) + I(f2)] = 0.20 a hybridization energy equal 93 eV was determined.


Temperature dependence of the magnetic moment and the reciprocal magnetic susceptibility of Ce2MnGe6.



Ternary rare earth germanides / Magnetic ordering / Electronic structure