Constructionism in the sociological study of borders and cross-border interactions 

О. Ф. Бенчак


The article identifies and describes the specifics of sociology in understanding borders and cross-border interactions in terms of multiparadigm of sociology itself. On this basis, a conceptual model of the study of borders and cross-border interactions has been developed, which consists of an appropriate conceptual and categorical apparatus and a set of a number of consistent theoretical positions, principles and ideas. Borders, which were originally the exclusive subject of research in political geography, are now being studied fruitfully by sociology. Borders are a dynamic phenomenon that is constantly reproduced in almost all forms of human activity. The constant process of (rebordering) borders and, accordingly, cross-border interactions is an important object of attention of sociologists. That is why the theoretical provisions of the constructivist paradigm are the main methodological source for developing a theoretical basis for dissertation research.

Ключові слова

border; frontiers; cross - border interactions; cross - border cooperation; constructivism; (re) bordering of borders.

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м. Львів, вул. Університетська 1, ауд. 319