Language identity as prerequisite of solidarity: sociological studies

Lyakhovich H., V. Chepak


This paper examines the relationship of of solidarity and linguistic identity in the sociological cut. If there is a signifi cant range of scientifi c approaches and projects identity still remains insuffi cient refl ection sociological categorization of identity and solidarity, and to identify the role of language and education as a consolidating factor in modern society. This article examines the conceptualization of the notion of linguistic identity in suchasnocti dimensions. Outlined scientifi c approach to the phenomenon of solidarity as the classics of sociology and researchers, such as E. Durkheim, T. Parsons, V. Iadov. Foreign researchers analyzed the theory, including P. Bourdieu, E. Sapir, P. Sorokin, who view the relationship of language education processes and justifying the symbolic role of language in social solidarity. Attention is drawn to problematization of identity in late modernity conditions due to changes in traditions, rising uncertainty, dynamism. Determined that the language is a prerequisite for solidarity identity and language and education – factors of social consolidation.

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м. Львів, вул. Університетська 1, ауд. 319