Hanna Kudrynska, Olena Butylina


The article presents theoretical and methodological aspects of the study of economic behavior, as well as outlines its markers. It has been substantiated that consumer behavior is one of the moduses of economic behavior. The article also provides the definitions of consumer behavior. In addition, it has been noted that the analysis of the problems of consumer behavior determination can be traced in two vectors represented by positivist and interpretation approaches. The supporters of the first approach emphasize the rationality of the consumer whereas the supporters of the second approach limit the rationality of consumers to the socio-cultural conditions of society’s life, the spontaneity and unpredictability of certain actions of individual subjects. It has also been ascertained that consumer behavior as a modus of economic behavior involves a certain algorithm of acts and actions in the sphere of consumption, which is determined by economic interest and has a generalizing character for a certain category of consumers.

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