Karina Syvokhina


Modern Ukrainian society is characterized by constant transformations which affect the socio-cultural conditions of people’s life: social groups and institutional structures come through various changes, new economic and political institutions appear. A transformational society is characterized by the presence of various social groups that have their own life plans, values and beliefs, which affect the construction of their life strategies. The processes of current transformation in Ukrainian society significantly influenced its social structure, and thus none large social community was left out of attention. Therefore, the needs and priorities of the younger generation are constantly changing, so there is a need to explore their life strategies. The study of human life strategies is complex and multidimensional, as it involves the investigation of various mechanisms for its formation. Researchers distinguish two levels, in the context of which one can consider the development of life strategies, namely the individual level and the level of a society. The concept of self-determination in the first place characterizes the degree of subjectivity of the individual, his/her readiness and ability to independent activity in various spheres of life, namely: economic, political, cultural, educational, family, ideological, religious, etc. The construction of individual’s life strategies can be divided into three main periods associated with the process of self-determination: a search period, a period of active integration and a period of productive activity. Polish sociologist P.Shtompka emphasizes above all the dynamic characteristics of the social. The sociologist examines not only social changes, but also the constant phenomena that determine the identity of any society. The transformational processes in Ukrainian society are quite controversial, since the experience of Ukraine shows that the more changes occur in society, the more contradictions appear. It is social transformation that can intensify various manifestations of sociocultural tendencies, particularly the ones that define self-determination of youth in modern society. Younger generation is one of the subjects of this interaction, therefore, it is the youth that become the driving force in the formation of socio-cultural characteristics of the prospective Ukrainian society

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м. Львів, вул. Університетська 1, ауд. 319