Орися Калиняк, Марія Прихід


The contemporary military conflict, started in Ukraine in 2014, caused the transformational processes in Ukrainian Army. One understood that modern professional and strong military forces belong to the main guarantees of the independency of Ukraine. It is obvious that the contract military service in the best way could become the basis of a new army. There are lots of really necessary conditions, which can provide the high level of army professionalism. The correct well thought out motivation system of military contractors is one of the most important issues. Mentioned motivation system includes the motivators, which help to soldiers to make a decision about the military contract concluding, and also the demotivators, which create obstacles in that process. The results of the conducted research, based on the interviews with soldiers, who conclude the military contract with the Ukrainian army, give the opportunity to make some inferences. Firstly the main reasons of military contract concluding were made out – the most important among them are the patriotism, surroundings influences, attempt of military service avoiding. The (de)motivation aspects are learned though four factors – the army (as the internal one), the society, the state and the family (as the external ones). According to the research conclusions the army appears as a mostly motivating factor – the soldiers mentioned their satisfaction by work in the army, they accentuate at the importance of military career. The state, on the contrary, appears as a mostly demotivating factor – the soldiers reveal their disappointment in their salaries, in the failure of state social programs. The society could be treated as motivating (when public opinion is grateful) and also as demotivating (when public opinion is furious) factor. The same situation concerns the family as a possible influencing factor. It is contraversional – motivating if the soldiers speak about the family supporting and demotivating if they speak about the possibilities to provide safe conditions for their relatives. The research results show two lines of differences. The first one concerns the experience of personal participation in military actions at the East of Ukraine. Those who got such experience feel more responsible for their society, state and families, at the same time they feel themselves emotionally exhausted. The second line has regional meaning – the soldiers got more society support in the west of Ukraine (on the contrary, they do not get the same in the east).

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1. Transcription of Interview with Bohdan (2018). Authors archive [in Ukrainian] 2. Transcription of Interview with Viktor (2018). Authors archive [in Ukrainian] 3. Transcription of Interview with Denys (2018). Authors archive [in Ukrainian] 4. Transcription of Interview with Leonid (2018). Authors archive [in Ukrainian] 5. Transcription of Interview with Maksym (2018). Authors archive [in Ukrainian] 6. Transcription of Interview with Mykhaylo (2018). Authors archive [in Ukrainian] 7. Transcription of Interview with Nazar (2018). Authors archive [in Ukrainian] 8. Transcription of Interview with Ruslan (2018). Authors archive [in Ukrainian] 9. Transcription of Interview with Serhiy (2018). Authors archive [in Ukrainian] 10. Transcription of Interview with Yuriy (2018). Authors archive [in Ukrainian] 11. Factors of Release of Soldiers by the Results of Military Scientists Research (2018) URL: https://www.facebook.com/GeneralStaff.ua/posts/1055162484653008 [in Ukrainian] 12. Ashyrov D. (2005) Labor Motivation. M. 448 [in Russian] 13. Bryzhatyy Ye. (2013) Motives and Motivation in the Professional Activity of Future Officer. Khmelnytsk. 40 [in Ukrainian]

14. Kalagyn Yu. (2008) Social and Professional Potential of Military: clarification of the concept. Methodology, Theory and Practice of Social Analysis of Contemporary Society. Kharkiv. 188–192 [in Russian] 15. Kalagyn Yu. (2008) Military Contract Service: Social Measurement. Kharkiv. 337 [in Ukrainian] 16. Kalagyn Yu. (2014) The Technology of Increasing of the Level of Social and Professional Potential of Military in Contemporary Ukraine. Kharkiv. 51-59 [in Ukrainian] 17. Krykunenko D. Developing of System of Personal Demotivation as an Element of Motivational Management (2012) Donetsk. 212 [in Ukrainian] 18. Rudya R. (2014) Contemporary Army at the Conditions of Transformational Changes: Institutional Analysis. Kharkiv.17-28 [in Ukrainian] 19. Stasyuk V. (2014) Development of Achieving Motivation of Listeners as a Condition of Effective Process of Learning. Kyiv. 149-153 [in Ukrainian]


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м. Львів, вул. Університетська 1, ауд. 319
