Станіслав Князьков


In the last decades, the subject field of sociology has been expanding. One such pioneering and, at the same time, practically oriented, direction is the sociological evolution of the health care system and the pharmaceutical sector in particular. The subject field of sociological evolution of the functioning of pharmaceutical activity covers such a range of issues as: the study of citizens’ awareness of how to provide the public with medicines; identifying factors for drug selection and the impact of mechanisms provision of pharmaceutical services for the behavior of drug users; assessing the effectiveness of pharmaceutical sector reform efforts by individuals and groups involved in these processes; to find out the level of satisfaction of the consumers of medicines with the quality, the price of medicines, the level of pharmaceutical services, etc. In the recent years, the so-called competence approach has expanded in the monitoring of the quality of pharmaceutical services. According to him, the basis of quality pharmaceutical services to the population is a system of diverse competencies of pharmacist. The survey implements an application of a toolkit developed by an international group of researchers for a sociological study of the competencies of pharmacists (GbCF – Global competency framework).

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м. Львів, вул. Університетська 1, ауд. 319
