Юрій Пачковський, Тетяна Лапан


The article deals with the figure of M. Hrushevskyi, who contributed to the development of sociological theory. The factors influencing his formation not only as a well-known historian but also as a sociologist, who actively participated in the processes of institutionalization of the Ukrainian sociological thought, have been determined. Particular attention is paid to M. Hrushevskyi’s teaching period at the Russian Higher School of Social Sciences in Paris. It is during this period of time that M. Hrushevskyi is going through the peak period of familiarizing himself with the new science of sociology, which in the future had a great influence on the writing of his work “Beginnings of Citizenship (Genetic Sociology)”. The article examines the primary sociological analysis of this work in terms of M. Hrushevskyi’s views on genetic sociology, its place and tasks in the study of human society, as well as conditions that determine the rhythm and patterns of social life.

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