Інклюзивна освіта у фокусі культурсоціології

Nataliya Chernysh, Iryna Sobko


The article attempts to approbate the theoretical positions of cultural sociology and the “strong program” of cultural-sociological analysis for the study of problems at the crossroads of two subject fields – social inequality and the relations of exclusion / inclusiveness in transitional societies and postponed transit, to which the modern Ukrainian belongs. The scientific and practical necessity of changing the worldview orientations of sociology with the rejection of the old ideas in relation to the secondary and dependent on the basis and social structure of the role of culture is argued. As an intermediate link in understanding the status of culture in public life at the turn of the XX–XXI centuries the possibilities of a sociocultural approach with a balanced ratio of cultural and social are considered. It is shown that in today’s conditions a further rethinking of the role and place of culture in the development of societies of different scales – from local to global – with the provision of a culture of primacy in stimulating social change, with the formation of a cultural structure took place. The great cognitive possibilities of modern cultural sociology and its methodical apparatus in studies on the border issues of social inequality and social inclusion with its intermediate states are highlighted. The arguments concerning the feasibility of using the possibilities of cultural sociology in studying the problems of inclusive education and its impacts on social changes are presented. The Case for the demonstration of cognitive and practical possibilities of cultural sociology has chosen the introduction of inclusive education, primarily for people with a health deviance as the most socially unprotected population in the post-communist countries, including Ukraine. At the same time, emphasis was placed on the difficulties and problems of the implementation of inclusive education in the social life of the country. This led to the introduction of the concept of medical inclination as a reflection of the actual state of social inclusion or exclusion in modern day-to-day practices of the population and in the rule-making activity of the state. Since the introduction of inclusive education is described as a process, the possibilities of a “strong program” of cultural-sociological analysis are seen in fixing the degree of legitimacy among the general population and the degree of legitimization in the legislative acts of the state. Also, the means of cultural-sociological analysis allow to record certain social changes in overcoming social inequality as intermediate implications of the introduction of inclusive education. The algorithm is proposed and the components of the “strong program” and “dense description” of the study of inclusive education are presented in accordance with the provisions and principles of J. Alexander’s cultural sociology, adapted to the realities of Ukraine.

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м. Львів, вул. Університетська 1, ауд. 319
