On the belonging of analytic in unit disc characteristic functions of probability laws to generalized convergence class

Oksana Mulyava, Myroslav Sheremeta


For  continuous on [x0,+) functions α and β increasing to + we say that an analytic in D=z:z<1 characteristic function  φ of a probability law F belongs to the  generalized convergence αβ-class if r01αln M(r,φ)(1-r)2β11-rdr<+, where  Mr,φ=maxφ(z): |z|=r. Conditions on α, β and F are found under which the function φ belongs to the generalized convergence αβ-class if and only if x0α'(x)β1xlnWF(x)exdx<+, where β1x=xdtβ(t) and WF(x)=1-F(x)+F(-x).

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30970/vmm.2018.85.082-090


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