On the relative growth of entire Dirichlet  series

Oksana Mulyava, Myroslav Sheremeta


Let Λ=(λn) be an increasing to +∞ sequence of non-negative numbers, S(Λ) be a class of entire Dirichlet series F(s)=n=1∞ fexp{sλn} and MF(σ)=sup{|F(σ+it)|: t }. By L we denote a class of continuous non-negative on (-∞,+∞) functions α such that α(x)= α(x0)≥ 0 for x ≤ x0 and α(x)↑+∞ as x0≤ x → +∞. For α ∈ L, β ∈ L and F ∈ S(Λ) the quantities
 ρα,β[F]=limσ→ +∞α(ln MF(σ))/β(σ) and
λα,β[F]=limσ→ +∞α(ln MF(σ))/β(σ) are called the generalized (α,β)-order and the generalized lower (α,β)-order of F. Define the generalized (α,β)-order and the generalized lower (α,β)-order of the function F ∈ S(Λ) with respect to a function G(s)=∑n=1gexp{sλn}∈ S(Λ) as follows
ρα,β[F]G=limσ→ +∞α(M-1G(MF(σ)))/β(σ) and λα,β[F]G=limσ→ +∞α(M-1G(MF(σ)))/β(σ).
Under the condition 0<λα,α[G]=ρα,α[G]<+∞, formulas have been found for calculating ρα,β[F]G and λα,β[F]G through the coefficients fn and gn.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30970/vmm.2023.95.073-082


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