Properties of polynomial solutions of a differential equation of the second order with polynomial coefficients of the second degree

Myroslav Sheremeta, Yuriy Trukhan


An analytic univalent in D=z: |z|<1 function f is said to be convex if f(D) is a convex domain. It is well known that the condition
Re 1+zf''(z)f'(z)>0      zD
is necessary and sufficient for the convexity of f. Function f is said to be close-to-convex if there exists a convex in D function Π such that Re f'(z)Π'(z)>0 zD. Close-to-convex function f has a characteristic property that the complement G of the domain f(D) can be filled with rays which start from D and lie in D. Every close-to-convex in D function f is univalent in D and, therefore, f'(0)0.
We indicate conditions on parameters β0, β1, γ0,γ1,γ2 and α0,α1,α2 of the differential equation
under which this equation has a polynomial solution
f(z)=n=0pfnzn              (deg f=p2)
close-to-convex or convex in D together with all its derivatives f(j)   (1jp-1). The results depend on equality or inequality to zero of the parameter γ2.

For example, it is proved that if p3, , γ20,
holds, this equation has a polynomial solution
f(z)=α2γ2+z+α0+(p-1)β02+β1 z2+n=3pfnzn,
where the coefficients fn are defined by the equality
fn=(p-n+1)β0(n-1)(n+β1) fn-1      (3np),
such that:
1) if 11p-14β04+2α02-β1  and 11p-2β043-β1 then f is close-to-convex in D together with all its derivatives f(j) 1jp-1;
2) if 41p-50β08+4α02-β1 and 33(p-2)β083-β1 then f is convex in D together with all its derivatives f(j) 1jp-1.
A similar result is obtained in the case γ2=0.

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