On Hadamard compositions of entire Dirichlet series and Dirichlet series absolutely converging in half-plane

Oksana Mulyava, Myroslav Sheremeta


For an entire Dirichlet series F(s)=k=0fkexp{sλk} and a Dirichlet series G(s)=k=0gkexp{sλk} with  finite abscissa of the absolute convergence the Dirichlet series (F*G)(s)=k=0fkgkexp{sλk} is called the Hadamard composition. In terms of generalized orders the growth of  this composition and their derivatives is investigated. A relation between the  behavior of the maximal terms  of the Hadamard composition of the derivatives  and of the  derivative of the Hadamard composition is established.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30970/vmm.2019.88.083-097


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