Grows estimated of analytic functions in D× having bounded L-index i joint variables

Andriy Bandura, Volodymyr Tsvigun


We prove some properties of power series expansion of analytic functions in D× having bounded L-index in joint variables, where Lz,w=l1(z,w),l2(z,w) with lj:D×+ j1,2 are positive continuous functions and l1(z,w)>β1-z for all z,wD× and some β>1. Moreover, we provide growth estimates of these function class. They describe the behavior of logarithm of maximum modulus of analytic function on a skeleton in a bidisc by behavior of the function L. These estimates are sharp in a general case. The presented results are based on bidisc exhaustion of the Cartesian product of the unit disc and complex plane.

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